The Best Movies Starring Abraham Sofaer

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The Best Movies Starring Abraham Sofaer
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
6437 The Naked Jungle 1954 Byron Haskin NR -
7148 Twice-Told Tales 1963 Sidney Salkow NR -
12928 His Majesty O'Keefe 1954 Byron Haskin NR -
17864 Captain Sindbad 1963 Byron Haskin NR -
21535 Bhowani Junction 1956 George Cukor NR -
23145 Crook's Tour 1941 John Baxter NR -
24599 Journey to the Center of Time 1967 David L. Hewitt NR -
28007 Calling Paul Temple 1948 Maclean Rogers NR -
28560 The First Texan 1956 Byron Haskin NR -

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